Why You Feel Disconnected From God

In our culture, we throw the word LOVE around so freely that it loses its meaning.

We say things like…

“I love that book!”
“I love ketchup.” or
“I love that person that I just met”….yesterday. lol

Love seems to be a casual lighthearted word.

We use the word LOVE to define temporary satisfactions that fade away after the next new LOVE rolls around.

My son loves his new shoes until the next new pair comes out and then he really LOVES those.

Are you pick’n up what I’m put’n down?

I believe that’s why it’s so hard for us to comprehend the depth of God’s love.

Because of these “truths”, we can easily forget the true meaning of the word, making it so hard to believe He really does want what is best for YOU.

He really does still LOVE YOU even when you make a mistake.

He really wants YOU to live with peace, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, patience, self-control, joy, and yes LOVE.

In the Greek language, the word for love is “Agape”. It’s the word used for the love that moved God to send His son for the world’s redemption. A love with the deepest meaning that never fades.

In the Hebrew language, the word for love is “Ahavah”. The root word for Ahavah is ahav which means “to give”. Therefore, it is understood that “to give” is “to love”.

No matter the definition or language, love is more than a feeling. Love is an action. Love is giving. Love is connection.

To give anything there must also be someone who will receive it, right?
Therefore, to give love, there must be a recipient to it.

There must be a connection.

Interestingly, I think we are more disconnected in this world than we have ever been.

Maybe that’s why we feel so disconnected from God?

We can’t possibly feel connected to others if we are only texting them or just communicating through social media.

We can’t begin to feel good about ourselves if we are constantly comparing our worst to everyone’s best.

We definitely can’t understand God’s love and purpose for our lives when we are not connected to him.

Thankfully, that can be changed.

We have the choice to change every single day.

To stop doing what isn’t working…and start doing what He says will.

We can be more understanding.
We can be more intentional.
We can build up our faith.
We can have more purposeful relationships.

And we can pray for God to show us how.

Love is always accompanied with giving and doing.

Let’s aspire for God’s love to flow through us today and everyday, so we can learn to love ourselves, be more connected in our relationships, and seek to know God’s truth more and more everyday.

Hit COMMENT to tell me how you will be more intentional this week in showing love and feeling loved? I would love to hear it.


If you would like to know more about how we can help you and you’re ready to take the next step in renewing your mind to finally change your life, click a link below to schedule a free call:

Women: https://renew-lifecoach.as.me/schedule.php

Men: https://renew-lifecoachmen.as.me/

Comments: 4

  • Deb Stanley

    May 25, 2022

    Be a better listener, stop what I am doing and give my full attention to what the person is saying and not thinking about my response until they are done talking.

  • Tammy Markus

    June 22, 2022

    I will look for the good in others instead of the negative. I will try harder to trust that others care about me and love me and be intentional in believing God loves me no matter what.

  • Kendra Jassmann

    June 23, 2022

    I work in a retail store where I have repeat customers daily, weekly and monthly. I have gotten to know them all very well in the 9yrs I have been a manager there. I always keep them in my prayers, an I have had several pray with me in the store in my time of need. So, at work I show my love in so many ways. In return I received the love back in their smiles and thank yous.

  • Katie Dellinger

    June 25, 2022

    I need to pay more attention to my husband. I have been so overwhelmed with my anxiety and subsequent physical ailments that result from it I’m just living in survival mode. I need to be more present with my husband to be truly aware of how much he loves me as evident by all the extra tasks he’s been managing and I absolutely need to shower him with love and affection so he knows how loved and valued he is.

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