God Will

When life hurts too bad to face the day, I want you to remember something…

You are unshakable.

You are capable of having thoughts that are good, right, and true.

You are capable of renewing your mind to feel peace and happiness.

God loves you unconditionally.

How often do you sit and really understand these truths?

God doesn’t love you because you deserve it. He knew everything about you before you were born.

He knows your good and bad, right and wrong and He still chose you as His own.

God picked you and loves you.

If you have a desire in your heart, God will fulfill it.

He wouldn’t even provide you with the vision if you weren’t capable.

Write it down.

Get specific about the fruit you want to produce in this life.

The more specific you are in your prayers, the more specific He will be in showing you how to get to the root to see the fruit.

I understand life is hard and you’re probably going through something very difficult right now, but God will not give you more than you can bear and He will provide what you need.

It says in 1 John chapter 4, God’s perfect love casts out fear.

Do you ever find your mind arguing with you?

“I can’t do it.”
“I’m not good enough.”
“I’ve messed up too many times.”

The enemy loves to argue with you and give you reasons in your mind why you can’t – why you’re acting in fear and not faith.

You have to bring every thought captive. That’s right, EVERY THOUGHT.

Ask God to help you.

He is always there, but the question is are you willing to do what is required to tend to the seed that God is planting in your life.

Will you do the work of the harvest?
Will you do what is required for your desires to come to fruition?

What you can’t do, God will do.
What you don’t have, God will provide.
What you can’t fix, God will resolve.

But we have to do what we can.
Renew your mind and you’ll change your life.

Do you have beliefs about yourself you need to get rid of that are not true of who you are?

Is it keeping you from having meaningful relationships?
Is it keeping you stuck in anxiety, fear, and overwhelm?
Is it keeping you from knowing how to move forward?

If this is true for you, you are not alone. I used to feel the exact same way.

God has lit a flame in me to reach out and help everyone I can to know that you DON’T HAVE TO STAY STUCK IN THIS PIT OF UNCERTAINTY.

I created my Renew Mindset Method because I couldn’t find a process that helped me change my mind using God’s truth. This process flipped my world upside down and that is why I now have taught it to so many women just like you.

I never thought I could be happy. I didn’t think change was possible for me.
I thought it was just who God created me to be.

And when I learned to change my thoughts it literally changed my life in every way.

You can begin to believe in yourself.

You are more than a conqueror through Christ.

God already has your victory waiting for you.

He’s waiting for you to take the next step.

I can help you every step of the way.

And I am here believing in you until you believe in yourself.


If you would like to know more about how we can help you and you’re ready to take the next step in renewing your mind to finally change your life, click a link below to schedule a free call:

Women: https://renew-lifecoach.as.me/schedule.php

Men: https://renew-lifecoachmen.as.me/

Comments: 1

  • Lydia Herrod

    December 8, 2022

    Love this so much. I have a bad problem with not having enough confidence with myself. I read in Proverbs that were to have confidence and not fear. I feel like I can say that but have not lived it. I am trying so hard to do that. Pleas pray for me.

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