Success Comes From God’s Truth

Hey friend. So, I have a question.

What does success look like to you?

How would you define someone as being successful?

Okay, I guess that was two questions….haha


Often times, we view success as someone who has a
“dream” job or lots of money.

Maybe success is having lots of things or having lots of friends…or having the “right” friends?

I remember pondering these questions about 10 years ago, and my answers then were a lot different than they are now.

I used to be so consumed with what others thought of me.

Did they see me as successful or did they see me as I saw myself…as a failure.
( A loser with a capital L if I’m being honest.)

I was someone who was consumed by who she was SUPPOSED to be in life.

I was someone who didn’t know how to follow through with being successful. And that made me feel even more of a worthless mom with my unwashed hair and coffee stains on my white t-shirt.

Maybe you can relate?

When you look up the definition of success, it literally means favorable or desired outcome; or accomplishment of a purpose.

So then, we now have to define what a favorable or desired outcome looks like.

And defining this does not come from the world’s standards, my friend.

The exciting thing is, this comes from God’s Truth.

When I started to dive into what my favorable or desired outcome was for my life, it brought about a whole new understanding for me about success and if I could attain it.

I learned, my success really had nothing to do with money, status, or my friends at all.
It had nothing to do with having the “right” job or having anything shiny and fancy.

Those THINGS just made me feel better for a moment.
The feeling they bring is never sustaining.

Though attaining wealth isn’t a bad thing, it wasn’t my favored goal. My ultimate desire was to heal my heart and mind.

To say and believe with everything in my being, that I was loved, I was capable of feeling happiness, joy, peace, fulfillment, and gratitude.

And a few other things I picked up as truth along the way:

People will come and People will go.
Their love is conditional.
God’s love is everlasting.
God will provide all that I need.
It’s all His money anyway.
I can’t take any of my stuff with me to heaven.
I only get to take ME!

And because I learned there was nothing I could do to make God love me even more than He already does, I started focusing and learning how to love myself.

I started becoming SUCCESSFUL at knowing and growing, every day, to be my best for God.

Your value and your character go a long way in this world, and I believe they are both more important than your success.

And believing that Jesus Christ died for YOU, so YOU must live for Him, is why you are here right now… reading this message.

My success is in teaching others all that I know about RENEWING our minds and truly living in the blueprint that God has for them.

That my friend, is where you will find YOUR SUCCESS….

Right in the arms of Jesus!

Mathew 6: 31-33 says, “seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”


P.S. I would love to hear from you. Hit comment and let me know what you’re think’n…


If you would like to know more about how we can help you and you’re ready to take the next step in renewing your mind to finally change your life, click a link below to schedule a free call:



Comments: 4

  • Thelma Greene

    September 14, 2022

    That is so true! I feel like I’m o thing sometimes! I pray God will lift that from me! I want to please him! Thank you for the post

  • Nicole Baker

    September 14, 2022

    What others think is something I’ve struggled with over the years. Am
    I enough and what do others think? I love this blog it made me look at things differently. I am more than enough and my success is in the arms of Christ.

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