Now and Later
Do you know what you want to do, what you would love to change, or what you are dreaming of accomplishing… then, um, “I’ll do it later” sets in…
The average person only lives 28,000 days.
Only 28,000!!
That’s really not a lot of days if you put it into perspective.
We all put off what we could do today on to tomorrow.
And then maybe the next day, and the next, and the next until we feel like there is no hope in accomplishing the goal.
Here are some of my “I’ll do it laters” you can maybe relate to …
Feel better…..later
Live a happy life…. later
Work out….Monday 🤣
Dream job…. later
Get right with God…. later
And maybe you have something else in common with me like when I used to dwell on my thoughts and started feeling anxious and overwhelmed by all of these “I’ll do it laters” that I have piled up in my mind. It can cause some serious depression and overwhelm.
Our kids have even perfected the “I’ll do it later” syndrome.
My son never picks up his dirty clothes, but he is going to do it LATER!
Which apparently is some time before 2022. haha
My husband is very forgetful, and I will remind him to write something down so he doesn’t forget. He will. Don’t worry…..yep, you guessed it…. later.
But seriously, “I’ll do it later” is just as much of a pandemic as Covid19.
If you have something in your heart or mind that is growing in magnitude and causing you anxiety, overwhelm, and stress, I want to encourage you to take the first step in beating the “I’ll do it later” syndrome.
Simply start.
It is not realistic to believe you will do everything you’ve be been putting off RIGHT NOW.
But you can start with one thing, one day at a time.
Set a goal, make a list, and take action in what it is that you need to do to concur it.
It feels great to get into the grove of doing, to feel good habits forming, and learn to be positive about leaning into the blueprint that God has for your life.
Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…
God tells us what to do in Romans 12:2.
This truth is what brought me hope in knowing I can. It is what brings my clients hope in knowing they can change NOW.
Change is never easy. It’s uncomfortable but even worse than the discomfort of the moving forward is looking back on your life and thinking, ” I wish I would have”.
I am rooting for you.
You are not alone.
Post a comment and tell me what you’ve been telling yourself “I’ll do it later”.
I would love to hear about it.
If you would like to know more about how we can help you and you’re ready to take the next step in renewing your mind to finally change your life, click a link below to schedule a free call:
Tonya Robertson
Loose weight